
Showing posts from January, 2020

Super hero

Separation anxiety is real.   Ambitions and affection are in conflict sometimes(read: most of the time) Insecurity and desires are endless. Cost benefit analysis doesn’t always make you feel the best at that moment.  But, here it is anyway: I don’t need a pay check that bad, but I know you’ll be proud of my mission one day.  Miss you, my super hero.  I wake up (hundredth time for the night), only to know that my ride to the airport disappointed me. In tears was I in the wee hours of the morning. Daddy super hero motivates me to drive, but is up and running in no time, knowing I’d prefer the fall back option.  ”Sometimes, I fall for you to catch me” Finding comfort in your reassurance=spoilt. With shaking fingers and wavering mind, driving was not my forte that day. I was secretly hoping for one extra hour with the heroes? My super hero wakes up crying, searching for the missing mama on bed. I went running to him and said “ Honey, my tax...


We could call it stereotypical or simply human, about we avoid ASSumptions? Simply state it, if you cannot avoid it.  Pink is not always for women, pay checks are not always for men: Not just men, but women need to understand this too. This is becoming pretty boring a topic, already.  Would you promote open-mind if I add a suffix to this? Say, open-mind technology?  Words, question-marks, exclamation-marks -- are your friends. 

What is new about a New Year?

Quickly surveying the same-old-world, in general things are going down-hill. Nothing new, crappy gets crappier. But, my faith is that with the dawn of the New Year, people become more aware of what is going on around them AND more importantly within themselves. There is so much of magic that can spark through awareness. Be mindful, Be honest (do not take crap from anyone, please), Spread awareness. Happy New Year, all.