Super hero
Separation anxiety is real. Ambitions and affection are in conflict sometimes(read: most of the time) Insecurity and desires are endless. Cost benefit analysis doesn’t always make you feel the best at that moment. But, here it is anyway: I don’t need a pay check that bad, but I know you’ll be proud of my mission one day. Miss you, my super hero. I wake up (hundredth time for the night), only to know that my ride to the airport disappointed me. In tears was I in the wee hours of the morning. Daddy super hero motivates me to drive, but is up and running in no time, knowing I’d prefer the fall back option. ”Sometimes, I fall for you to catch me” Finding comfort in your reassurance=spoilt. With shaking fingers and wavering mind, driving was not my forte that day. I was secretly hoping for one extra hour with the heroes? My super hero wakes up crying, searching for the missing mama on bed. I went running to him and said “ Honey, my tax...