system upgrade necessary
Can you rate the following tasks in the order of difficulty and perhaps come up with an emoticon that closely resembles your reaction at the time of reading each of these tasks? Draft job description for a manufacturing engineer. Draft job description for a climate scientist. Draft job description for a housewife. Draft job description for a working wife. Draft job description for a working mom and wife. Draft job description for a working dad and husband. Draft job description for a househusband. Now, try to order the above along these metrics: monetary value, credits/rewards (not $), societal status (how others perceive you in your role) , self-worth quotient, emotional and mental exhaustion. While reading the above, if you wanted to either quit, or didn’t have any difficult emotions, my friend (not literally, no) , congratulations, you’re privileged. How others perceive you.. implicitly, but quite significantly, impacts your self-worth. Me...