The third trimester of pregnancy spans from week 28 to the birth of the baby. Tip: About 5% of Morning sickness sort of returns in third trimester for most women! Balance nutrition, go low on spices to help. And, walk! The third trimester kicked in and Piya learnt that the baby's size was gonna triple the current size. She has been putting on the right number of lbs thus far. The baby's movements were becoming more evident, and it was a joy to experience it. She figured the baby also responded to our voices. The baby usually paused a bit when Jay spoke, or even when Jill barked. Even when Jay places his hand to feel the movement, he would have to wait until after the pause to feel the movement. Once, Jay tried to feel the movement, but the baby was pretty stationary at that time. So, he said to the baby "Dei, wake long are you gonna sleep" -- At once, they both felt a pretty strong kick and a move. That was pretty funny and memorable! Piya wanted to ...