Recipe for disaster

Motto: "Jill of all trades, perfectionist at all trades"

Reality: Mess = Perfectionist + Mom

Life can't get any more tangled if you're a perfectionist AND you have toddler(s) (ranging from 2 years to 33, you get it) and a four-legged daughter.

What happens..

(note, use a logical AND for the following use-cases)

When you see UNREAD emails in your work inbox, a gitlab stager that FAILs, a merge request that's pending, a scientific QC tool throwing exceptions, a couple of incomplete abstracts, a conference call..... a ticking clock, a drowsy look and a world that thinks you're "just" working from home.

When your stomach is grumbling and you have a hungry family to feed,
When you have a toddler who is walking, running, biking starting 10 months of age,
When you're germaphobic,
When you HAVE to clean the 1800sqft house twice every day (A toddler, A 4-legged , An allergic-and-athletic husband, an impaired (aka PERFECTly flawed wife)
When you can't stand compromises in staying healthy nutritionally,
When you have a justifiable selective OCD,
When you're a bit older than yesterday,

And then, you hear someone tell- "Oh dear, I totally get it" ...... ROAR, or in my son's language "DISHOOOOOM, Amma thitti"

Working from home may be a blessing in disguise, but working with too many hats (no matter how colorful they are) from home is a recipe for disaster if you don't realize it soon enough to take corrective/preventative actions.

Sometimes, being honest makes you feel better - so does this blog post.


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