Food is travel

When I go on a vacation to places with varied cultural backgrounds and ethnicity, I can’t help but rate my vacation based on only ONE prime factor - FOOD.
Travel and food almost always go together! 

Recreating the magic from kitchens across the world right from my cozy kitchen is quite a way to explore the different cultures. 

I bought myself a beautiful new induction cooktop (and a clad wok omg) for Christmas. Now, I’m vacationing in my kitchen, traveling with family to some of the cool/warm places in the world: no security checks or airline delays or pricy tickets or stomach bugs or screaming kid or apprehensive germaphobic mom.

Merry Christmas to all.

(Here's a snapshot of one of the Christmas Eve meals: A Vietnamese-ish summer roll with peanut-spicy sauce, Vegan Pad Thai and a Vegan Fruit cake..everything got sold out in no time :))


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