
Why rock a nicely sailing ship?
Sometimes, when we "think" we need a change-- it is almost always one of the following.

1- YOU are getting old
2- YOU are getting old

And.. then there are a million reasons connected to the above, of course.

A change is a constant -- heard this a million times? This is in fact true IMO because we are mostly dealing with these dynamic homosapiens. Whether a change is good or bad is a mystery. But, sometimes you just need to let go and explore with no (In human terminology-- minimum) expectations. Whether the journey or the destination makes you smile or frown can be beyond you. But, the numerous lessons learned while introducing a change are lessons for a life time indeed.

How do I feel at this moment?

1- Jigsaw: Like my toddler receiving a new jigsawpuzzle, questionable, yet hopeful.
2- Peek-a-boo: Ready or not, here I come.
3- Separation anxiety: Like my 4-legged that panics when I am gone for 4 minutes to get the trash tote.

Note to self:
689.8 miles or 4.5 miles, the moment ain't describable.
Thy promise will fuel the ship from far away.


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