Get to the POINT
There is definitely a great feeling of relaxation after you get a body massage or even a facial. Perhaps, all the pressure points were stimulated in your massage session. So, stimulation of certain points in the body for those that can’t afford a massage simply makes sense especially when you want to take care of yourself, free of cost at home. When you have a headache, you often rub your forehead, press those our temples in pain automagically. Why not choose the correct pressure points and give it a try? This is really my understanding in acupressure points, disregarding the fancy names in Chinese medicine. The difference between breathing implicitly, putting breathing as a background task versus putting it in the forefront with a focused deep breathing provides instant stress relief and lowers blood pressure. This is another example of paying explicit attention to your sensory system, stimulate it, make it feel like it exists: because if you ...